SKU HNC7300X-16
USTREZA : Honda NC 750X (2015-2020)
Tot. 134,90 €
Na zalogi

The windshield is made in plexiglass in dark colour . It is specific for the model and it is not necessary any adjustment or modification for the assembling on the bike. Exclusive BARRACUDA design

  • BREZPLAČNA POŠTNINA za naročila nad 150 €
  • GRATIS PREVLEKA ZA MOTOR pri naročilu nad 200 €
Od ponedeljka do petka potrdite naročilo do 16. ure, odpelje še isti dan
Assembly instructions
FULL KIT WITHOUT MODIFICATIONS The windshield is made in plexiglass in dark colour . It is specific for the model and it is not necessary any adjustment or modification for the assembling on the bike. Exclusive BARRACUDA design

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Short Description

The windshield is made in plexiglass in dark colour . It is specific for the model and it is not necessary any adjustment or modification for the assembling on the bike. Exclusive BARRACUDA design

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